Saturday, November 12, 2011

Gong Cha

I think Drew and I have been so busy drinking milk tea we both have not been able to blog! I have quite a number of posts though which I should be able to work on while I'm billeted in Singapore.

Since I'm in a milk tea country I thought I'd try out the different milk tea stations in my vicinity. My pick this week was Gong Cha which I found nicely situated where I get off the bus on Somerset Road. It's just beside the 7-Eleven on Somerset 313 mall. 

I decided to order a standard milk tea with pearls (80% sugar). I was hoping that it won't have a silly taste so I could always go back for more. I must say that I absolutely loved it because the tea and milk were perfectly blended. It wasn't bitter, it didn't taste like milk, it was just perfect. (I seriously should read more about writing about tea so I can relate better how much my experience went.)

Anyway, this tea is made of awesome. I wish though I knew what's written on it and what "already famous" means.

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Gong Cha
GF Somerset 313 (map)

Price: SG$2.50 and above)